A Perfect Blank Read online
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Ada looked from Ander to me, “He just gets depressed,” she said. “Just?” Ander said. “It feels like the world is over.” Ada said, “Well, when I eat some, my brain scrambles. I can’t even use a graphing calculator!”
“There is so much happening,” Dad said. “Why don’t we go inside and take a break.” “But wait,” I said. Mom and Dad looked at each other and laughed. I always have more questions.
The Biggest Surprise of All
Inside the farmhouse, it was bright and warm. People were sitting around a fireplace talking. There was a big television playing a news channel. Mom and Dad motioned for me to go over. I was tired. I had already had the biggest day of my life. Dad said, “Alex, look who’s here.”
Myra didn’t say anything at first. But she did stand up, so I could see that everyone was okay with her being there. Something felt different. She didn’t seem like the Myra I had been talking to at Project Apogee.
This Myra seemed calmer, nicer, like the Myra I knew from the blue room. The Myra that used to come over on weekends.
I didn’t go over to Myra. And Mom must have noticed I was nervous because she said, “We would have never gotten you out of Project Apogee today without Myra.” I looked at Myra. “I wanted,” she said, so quietly I could barely hear her, “to help you. I wanted to change things.”
“She called us yesterday,” Dad said. “She had no idea what you kids were up to.” “I just wanted Dr. Pinker to pay for what he was doing to you,” Myra said.
Okay Soon
“He’s just a bully,” I said. “Yes,” she said. “I’m sorry.” “It’s okay,” I said, because that’s what you say. Plus I was starting to feel like it might actually be okay soon.
The Best Thing
“It’s on!” Alo said. “Turn it up,” Anto said. “What’s going on?” I said, looking around. “The best thing,” Renée said. “The best.”
Breaking News: Today a secret government organization has been uncovered by an inside source as a cruel and violent prison for the gifted children it claimed to be educating. The organization is called Project Apogee. It is now closed for investigation. Just then everyone looked at Myra and smiled. The families cheered and clapped and hugged each other.
And it was then that I understood what Myra had done for us.
That night in our room, in my own flower-patterned pajamas, Dad said, “Alex, we have something to tell you.” “No,” I said. “Please no more things. I’m tired of new things.” Mom laughed, but it wasn’t funny. “I’m sorry, but we have to talk to you about leaving tomorrow.” “LEAVING?” I shouted. “We can’t go. We just got here!” “It’s not safe,” Dad said.
“Alo said we were all safe here,” I said. “You’re not safe. Because Dr. Pinker and the other scientists still think you’re the only one who made it. They will keep trying to find you. Because you are proof that Project Apogee worked.”
Alone Again
Mom smoothed my hair. “They won’t stop looking for us. That’s why we have to leave.” Just like before, I’d be the first one out. And I’d be alone again.
Anto knocked on the door and opened it a little bit. “I’m sad you have to leave too, Alex,” she said. “But this is the only way you can be safe right now. Safe to be yourself. All of your selves. You’re special, Alex. But it’s important to know you’re not the only one out there who isn’t exactly one thing or another. There are other people out there for you and there are other people who need your help. Go find them. Remember we said we’d make it up to you?” She was right.
I cried and she cried. And my parents cried. And the next day everyone else cried, too. Because we all deserved to feel that feel-good thing when you’re done crying for a while. We packed up the car and we drove over the border. The other side was beautiful. We did not say any goodbyes.
I Think...
I’m falling in love. But, how can I be sure about her if I’m not even sure about myself?